Call for Abstract

56th Euro Nursing & Medicare Summit, will be organized around the theme “Empowering Care: Nurses at the Heart of Medicare Excellence”

EURO NURSING 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in EURO NURSING 2024

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Nursing education trains individuals to become nurses through programs like CNA, LPN, ADN, BSN, and MSN. It combines classroom learning with hands-on clinical practice. Students study subjects such as anatomy, patient care, and pharmacology. After graduation, nurses must pass licensure exams like the NCLEX to practice. On-going education is required to keep up with healthcare advancements. Challenges include faculty shortages and finding enough clinical placements. Innovations such as simulation-based learning and online courses are improving training. Nursing education ensures nurses are well-prepared to provide quality patient care.

Nursing in Practice is a bimonthly British print magazine and site went for Nurses working in essential consideration. It gives news and remark on clinical and wellbeing approach advancements, covering points including heart care, dermatology, diabetes, and respiratory consideration. Nursing practice involves providing direct patient care, administering medications, and educating patients about health. Nurses work in various settings like hospitals, clinics, and community centers. Nursing research focuses on improving patient care through studies on treatment methods, patient outcomes, and healthcare systems. It involves data collection, analysis, and applying findings to practice. Research helps develop evidence-based practices, ensuring better patient outcomes and advancing the nursing profession. Nurses use research to stay updated on best practices and to continually improve their skills and knowledge in patient care.

Nursing includes various types such as Registered Nurses (RNs), who provide direct patient care and coordinate treatment; Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), who handle basic medical care under RNs' supervision; and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), who assist with daily patient activities. Advanced practice nurses, like Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs), have specialized training for more complex care. Nurse Anesthetists administer anesthesia, and Nurse Midwives specialize in childbirth and reproductive health. Each type plays a crucial role in the healthcare system, ensuring comprehensive patient care across different settings.


Healthcare management, also called as Healthcare Administration, is the organization, administration or oversight of human services frameworks, general wellbeing frameworks, clinics, whole healing facility systems or other restorative offices.There are general medicinal services administrators and the individuals who are viewed as pros.Healthcare management involves overseeing the operations of healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. It includes managing staff, budgeting, improving efficiency, and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. Healthcare managers work to enhance patient care quality, implement policies, and integrate new technologies. They play a critical role in strategic planning and problem-solving to address healthcare challenges. Effective management ensures that healthcare organizations run smoothly, providing high-quality care while controlling costs and meeting the needs of patients and communities.

Midwifery and Women’s Health Nursing focus on care for women throughout their lifespan, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Midwives provide prenatal care, deliver babies, and offer postnatal support. They emphasize natural birthing processes and personalized care. Women's Health Nurses address broader health issues such as reproductive health, gynecological care, and menopause management. Both roles involve educating women on health practices and preventative care. These specialists work in settings like hospitals, birthing centers, and clinics, ensuring comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to women's unique health needs.

Leadership and learning are essential to one another. A great nurse leader is somebody who can rouse others to cooperate in quest for a shared objective, for example, upgraded understanding consideration. A compelling pioneer has an unmistakable arrangement of nursing leadership and management involve guiding and overseeing nursing staff to ensure effective patient care and efficient healthcare operations. Nurse leaders and managers handle tasks such as staff coordination, resource allocation, budgeting, and policy implementation. They also focus on improving patient outcomes, staff development, and maintaining high standards of care. Effective nursing leadership includes mentoring, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. These roles are crucial for fostering a positive work environment, driving healthcare innovations, and adapting to changes in the healthcare system, ensuring overall organizational success and quality patient care.

family nurse practitioner (FNP) gives proceeding and exhaustive medicinal services to the individual and family over all ages, sexual orientations, illnesses, and body frameworks. Essential consideration underlines the comprehensive idea of wellbeing and it depends on information of the patient with regards to the family and the network, underscoring sickness avoidance and health promotion. Family nursing focuses on providing healthcare to individuals and their families as a unit, considering the family's role in a patient's health and well-being. It involves assessing and addressing the physical, emotional, and social health needs of all family members. Family nurses work in various settings, including homes, clinics, and community health centers, offering preventive care, health education, and chronic illness management. They emphasize communication and collaboration with families to create personalized care plans. This holistic approach helps promote health, prevent disease, and support families in managing health challenges together.

Clinical nurse specialists are enlisted attendants who typically hold a graduate degree, at least, alongside national confirmation meaning propelled learning and clinical aptitudes particular to a specific patient populace or particular region of nursing. Clinical nursing involves direct patient care in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Clinical nurses assess patients, administer medications, perform treatments, and monitor patient progress. They specialize in areas such as pediatrics, oncology, or critical care. The practice is guided by evidence-based protocols and standards to ensure high-quality care. Clinical nurses also educate patients and families about health conditions and self-care. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to develop and implement care plans. Their hands-on role is crucial in promoting recovery, managing chronic conditions, and enhancing patient outcomes.

An oncology Nurse is a particular medical attendant who thinks about growth patients. These medical caretakers require propelled affirmations and clinical encounters in oncology more distant than the run of the mill unhitched female nursing program gives. Oncology nursing care can characterized as meeting the different needs of oncology patients amid the season of their sickness including proper screenings and other protection rehearses, side effect administration, care to hold however much ordinary working as could be expected, and steady endless supply of life. Cancer nursing focuses on providing comprehensive care to individuals affected by cancer. Nurses in this field work closely with patients, families, and interdisciplinary teams to support them throughout their cancer journey. They assist in cancer diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, and palliative care. Cancer nurses also offer emotional support, education, and resources to help patients cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer. They play a vital role in advocating for patients' needs and coordinating care across various healthcare settings. Their goal is to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and promote positive treatment outcomes.

Pediatric nursing is the medicinal consideration of neonates and youngsters up to puberty, as a rule in an in-understanding healing facility or day-center. Pediatrics originates from the Greek words 'paedia' which implies kid, 'iatrike' which implies doctor. Pediatrics' is the English/Australian spelling and 'pediatrics' is the Assembled States spelling. Pediatric nursing specializes in providing healthcare to infants, children, and adolescents up to the age of 18. Pediatric nurses focus on promoting health, preventing illness, and managing acute and chronic conditions specific to pediatric patients. They work in settings such as hospitals, clinics, schools, and community health centers. Pediatric nurses assess developmental milestones, administer vaccinations, and provide family-centered care. They also educate parents and caregivers on child health and safety practices. Their compassionate and child-friendly approach helps create a supportive environment for young patients and their families, ensuring optimal health and well-being.

surgical nurse, additionally alluded to as a nurse or scrub nurse, spends significant time in preoperative consideration, giving consideration to patients before, during and after surgery. To wind up a theatre nurse, Registered Nurses or Enrolled Nurses must finish additional preparation.  Surgical nursing revolves around caring for patients before, during, and after surgical procedures. Nurses in this field work alongside surgeons and anesthesiologists to ensure patient safety and comfort throughout the surgical process. They prepare patients for surgery, assist during procedures, and monitor vital signs post-operatively. Surgical nurses also provide wound care, administer medications, and educate patients about recovery. They play a crucial role in preventing complications and promoting speedy recovery. Their expertise in surgical techniques and patient care contributes to successful surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Adult health nursing focuses on providing comprehensive healthcare to adults across the lifespan, typically from young adulthood to old age. Nurses in this field assess, diagnose, and manage various health conditions prevalent in adults, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. They promote preventive care, health maintenance, and disease management through patient education and counseling. Adult health nurses work in diverse settings, including hospitals, primary care clinics, and specialty practices. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to develop individualized care plans and support patients in achieving optimal health outcomes. Their role is essential in promoting wellness, managing chronic conditions, and improving the overall quality of life for adult patients.

Mental nursing or psychological health nursing is the selected position of a nurse that represents considerable authority in mental health, and cares about individuals of any age experiencing mental illnesses or depression. These include: schizophrenia, schizoaffective turmoil, state of mind issue, tension issue, identity issue, dietary issues, self-destructive considerations, psychosis, neurosis, and self-hurt.Psychiatric and mental health nursing focuses on providing care to individuals experiencing mental health challenges or psychiatric disorders. Nurses in this field assess patients' mental health status, develop care plans, and provide therapeutic interventions. They work in various settings, including psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centers, and outpatient clinics. Psychiatric nurses administer medications, facilitate group therapy sessions, and offer counseling and support to patients and their families. They play a vital role in promoting recovery, managing symptoms, and preventing relapse. Their compassionate and empathetic approach helps create a supportive environment for individuals struggling with mental health issues, promoting overall well-being and recovery.

Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works with babies conceived with an assortment of issues running from rashness, birth deserts, contamination, heart contortions, and careful issues. The neonatal period is characterized as the primary month of life; in any case, these babies are regularly debilitated for quite a long time. Neonatal nursing focuses on providing specialized care to newborn infants, especially those born prematurely or with health complications. Neonatal nurses monitor vital signs, administer medications, and provide developmental support in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). They work closely with families to educate and support them during their baby's hospitalization. Maternal healthcare involves caring for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Maternal health nurses provide prenatal care, assist with labor and delivery, and offer postpartum support and education. Both neonatal nursing and maternal healthcare aim to ensure the health and well-being of newborns and mothers, promoting positive outcomes for families.

Critical care and emergency nursing focus on providing rapid and specialized care to patients with life-threatening conditions or acute injuries. Nurses in these fields work in intensive care units (ICUs), emergency departments (EDs), and trauma centers. They assess patients' conditions, prioritize interventions, and collaborate with healthcare teams to stabilize patients. Critical care nurses manage advanced life support measures such as ventilator support and continuous monitoring. Emergency nurses triage patients, administer emergency treatments, and provide emotional support to patients and families. Their quick response and expertise are crucial in saving lives and ensuring the best possible outcomes for critically ill or injured patients.

Gynecology and obstetrics nursing specializes in providing healthcare to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health issues. Nurses in this field assist obstetricians and gynecologists in prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum care. They educate women about pregnancy, childbirth, contraception, and women's health screenings. Obstetrics nurses monitor fetal development, administer medications, and provide emotional support to expectant mothers and families. Gynecology nurses focus on women's reproductive health issues such as menstrual disorders, infertility, and gynecological surgeries. Their compassionate care and expertise contribute to positive birth experiences and improved reproductive health outcomes for women.


Heart and cardiovascular nursing specializes in caring for patients with heart-related conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Nurses in this field assess cardiac health, monitor vital signs, and administer medications to manage symptoms. They provide education on heart-healthy lifestyles and medication adherence to prevent complications. Cardiovascular nurses also assist with cardiac procedures such as angioplasty and pacemaker insertion. They work in cardiac units, telemetry units, and cardiac rehabilitation programs, collaborating with cardiologists and other healthcare professionals to optimize patient care. Their expertise and dedication contribute to improved outcomes and quality of life for patients with heart disease.

Community health is a main field of study within the medical and clinical sciences which centres on the maintenance, security, and change of the health status of populace gatherings and networks. It is an unmistakable field of concentrate that might be instructed inside a different school of general wellbeing or ecological wellbeing. Community health nursing focuses on promoting health and preventing disease within communities. Nurses in this field assess community health needs, plan and implement health education programs, and provide direct care to individuals and families. They address various health issues such as immunizations, chronic disease management, and prenatal care. Community health nurses collaborate with community leaders, organizations, and healthcare providers to advocate for health equity and access to care. They work in diverse settings, including public health departments, schools, and community clinics, to improve population health outcomes. Their efforts aim to empower communities to achieve optimal health and well-being through preventive measures and health promotion initiatives. 

Occupational health nursing focuses on promoting and maintaining the health, safety, and well-being of workers in various industries. Nurses in this field assess workplace hazards, develop health and safety programs, and provide education on injury prevention and ergonomics. They conduct health screenings, manage workers' compensation cases, and facilitate return-to-work programs. Occupational health nurses collaborate with employers, human resources departments, and safety professionals to create a healthy work environment. They also advocate for policies and practices that promote worker health and prevent occupational injuries and illnesses. Their role is crucial in ensuring the health and productivity of employees while minimizing workplace hazards.

Geriatrics and gerontology focus on the health and well-being of older adults. Geriatric nursing involves providing specialized care to elderly patients, addressing age-related health concerns such as mobility issues, chronic diseases, and cognitive decline. Nurses in this field assess functional abilities, manage medications, and promote independence and quality of life for older adults. Gerontology encompasses the study of aging and its impact on individuals and society. Professionals in this field research aging processes, develop programs and policies for elderly populations, and advocate for age-friendly environments. Both geriatrics and gerontology play crucial roles in ensuring that older adults receive appropriate care and support as they age.